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Friday, April 17, 2015

Finally Friday!

This week has been the longest of all weeks! With state testing going on for the upper grades, we have all just about gone crazy! Between not having block class, eating lunch an hour and a half early, and rainy days all week, we are just about to lose our minds in first grade! My kiddos are going stir crazy and no amount of GoNoodle has been able to save up from the restlessness of a full day in our classroom!
Needless to say, we are all ready for testing to be over and for the rain to go away!
Here's a look at what we've had going on this week!
We have been going puzzle crazy this week! From Place Value Puzzles to puzzles with blends, we have had a blast putting together all sorts of things! Check out the place value puzzles in my brand new pack and be on the lookout for my Bossy R puzzle pack, coming soon!

A few weeks ago we had a TON of calendars donated to the school. As soon as I looked through them and picked out an embarrassingly tall pile I knew exactly what I wanted to do with them. I got to work cutting all of the pictures apart, laminating, making writing pages, and finding a bucket to store our center in. It took a little creative thinking, but my picture writing center was up and running this week and I have had so much fun reading the stories that my kiddos have come up with! Here is one of my favorites! :) 

I was in a mid-week slump Wednesday night and in dire need of a pick-me-up! Luckily my husband was willing to take a ride with me to McDonald's to get a yummy hot fudge sundae (and he insisted on bringing the cat for a ride!)

We have had a blast learning about light and shadows this week! I saw this idea and just knew I had to try it with my little ones! We laughed so much making our shadow figures! I let the kids cut out their own shadows so they aren't perfect, but we love them anyway :) After putting our shadows up in the hall, the kids all wrote something that they have learned about shadows to put in their caption bubbles! 

I spent the week doing our DRA testing! Most of my babies moved up at least 3 levels since January and it has been so encouraging to see that growth! Next week we have to tackle DIBELS testing, say a prayer for me!

Happy Friday everyone!

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